Corona emergency support

Together with our local partner Afrotopia and the Initiative EPP Ayayi, we strive to do our part in helping to reduce the negative impact of the Covid19 crisis for people in need. 

The probelm

The Covid19 pandemic is also affecting Togo. The national health system is simple not prepared for a pandemic: On average, there are 7 hospital beds per 10.000 residents available in Togo (it’s 80 in Germany). According to media, there were only 4 intensive care beds with artificial respiratory equiment available throughout Togo at the beginning of the pandemic.

Additionally, many people in Togo lack access to running water or sanitary facilities with apropiate hygiene. This is especially very problematic in the current situation.

In spring 2020, the goverment enacted multiple actions to be taken to reduce the distribution of the Corona virus. Markets, schools and churches were closed, the mobility was reduced and some cities were completly shut down.

Restrictions in commerce and closing of the local markets caused a significant and quick rise of prices for groceries, which was a serious problem for many people.  Although the restrictions were withdrawn temporary, food prices are still high, so that the World Food Programme of the United Nations warned for severe hunger catastrophes in western Africa.

Our commitment

We from Solidarität konkret e.V. are in close contact to our local partners during this pandemic. Together, we are taking action so that people in a precarious state get support. The restrictions and consequences of this crisis are far from overcome. We have provided the following help:


Together with our partners from Afrotopia, we kept an eye on the developing food prices. Before the foreseeable high in spring 2020, we bought more than 250 kg of corn, rice, millet and beans as well as 400 liters of edible oil. As the food prices multiplied four weeks later, we sold the food for a very low, symbolic price, in some cases, the food was given for free to people with special needs and single moms in Tsévié.

For the more than 80 kids of the orphanage in Tsévié, we bought plates. Before, 8 kids would normaly share one, now everyone has their own plate to eat from and keep a little more distance in times of Covid. For a few weeks, we helped out with an extra dose of vitamins by a weekly delivery of fresh fruits. .

As food prices continue to rise, we, in coorpperation with our partners from Afrotopia, are currently planning to buy food for 25 especially affected families.

Our partners from Afrotopia also bought several chicken families (1 rooster and 2-3 hens each) to distribute them to families particularly affected by poverty. The eggs are an important contribution to the improvement of the nutritional situation. If the hen family is well cared for, young hens can be resold.

In May 2021, 10 chicken families will again be distributed to needy families in Tsévié.


Solidaritaet konkret e.V. financed a total of 21 hand-washing stations, which were manufactured locally. When the schools reopened, the students and teachers in Tsévié and Adetikopé were provided with washing stations for regular hand washing. Further washing stations have already been ordered by our partner initiative EPP Ayayi in Adetikopé. A mobile hand washing station can be purchased for as little as 12€.

In the meantime, Solidarität konkret e.v. has financed more than 1250 masks for teachers and students, which were tailored locally and are washable.

In order to make it possible to maintain a minimum distance during lessons, we have financed additional school desks at the elementary school in Adetikopé.

Further support is needed

We are in close contact with our partner initiatives and continue to ask for financial support in order to provide emergency aid with our local partners.

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