Student support

At the school in Tsévié, the first class passed the baccalaureate with flying colors. Many of the school leavers have long been determined to study at the university in Lomé, but in some cases the circumstances are extremely difficult and the goal of studying seems out of reach for many.

The Problem

Until recently, many parents categorically ruled out their children going to university. Of the twenty high school graduates in 2022, only two have a parent who has studied and most of them come from educationally disadvantaged households. For young women, there are further hurdles, as many conservative actors view a self-determined life as an unmarried student with suspicion. In addition, the cost of studying is very high for most families and often unaffordable.


The solution

1. Promotion and Excursions

Our project partners at Afrotopia have been working for a long time to increase acceptance of university careers, especially among young women. For example, they invited female unvisersity students to the school in Tsévié and took pupils and parents on an excursion to the university in Lomé. Three students initially did not want to take part because “it just makes us sad to see the university because our families don’t support our studies anyway.”

Tor zum Uni-Campus in Lomé
Excursion to the univerity

2. Financial support

Solidarität konkret e.V. has decided to support first-year high school graduates in enrolling at university and finding affordable accommodation in line with their needs. This announcement has resulted in all families agreeing to their children studying at university.

This makes us and the Afrotopia team very happy and at the same time presents us with financial challenges. It is not easy to finance the studies of almost twenty young people on a pro rata basis over the course of their studies. We therefore need (regular) donations.

Enrolment fees

45 euros is enough to enrol at the University of Lomé. In addition to the fees, this includes costs for various documents and their certification (birth certificate, certificate of good conduct, school certificates, medical health certificate).


A second-hand laptop costs 110 euros, which is necessary for successful studies. Initially, 2-3 students will have to share one laptop. We are very much hoping for donations for the purchase of further laptops. The photo shows Ramatou Garba, co-founder of Afrotopia Togo, handing over the first two laptops.

Rent in the dormitory

The rent is 16 euros per person per month if two or three students share a room near the university. Being within walking distance of the university saves money, as transportation costs are relatively high.

Basic equipment

Books & scripts, exercise books, pens and, depending on your studies, a high-quality calculator or other equipment cause additional costs, especially at the beginning of the semester. Every donation helps.

Our contribution

We ensure that funding is provided in a needs-based and efficient manner. That is why our Afrotopia project partners make sure that:

By the way: While 3,770 people per 100,000 inhabitants are enrolled at a university in Germany, the figure in Togo is two thirds lower at 1,254 (source: UNESCO).

Solidarität konkret e.V. and Afrotopia Togo would like to thank you for every donation! We are convinced of the importance of the project. Because if the first generation of high school graduates “make the leap to university”, it will be all the easier for the following years.

The AFROTOPIA Togo initiative was founded in early 2020 by committed teachers with the aim of mobilizing concrete support for disadvantaged people, especially girls and women. The founders of AFROTOPIA have been successfully implementing projects with support from Germany since 2013. The focus is on access to free education, the promotion of girls’ sports and the prevention of forced marriage.

Partnerorganisation: AFROTOPIA Togo

Ort: Tsévié, Togo

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