Tag: Education

Repairing the school water well

Previous Next The water well at the elementary school in Adetikopé, a small village near the capital Lomé, was broken. We collected donations to repair the well. Since then, there is again drinkable water for the students and the families living nearby. The problemThe hand pump of the school well at the IPP Ayayi elementary school in Adetikopé was defective - it was not possible to pump water...

Preventing school dropouts by growing vegetables

Previous Next Many young people in Yéviépé in western Togo have to drop out of school due to lack of money. In cooperation with the farm GAVISA, Solidarität konkret e.V. helps them to help themselves. By selling home-grown vegetables, the students can earn the missing school fees and learn useful things on the side. The problem In the village of Yéviépé, the school career of many students...

Construction of 2 classrooms for the elementary school in Adétikopé

Previous Next The elementary school in Adetikopé lacked classrooms - together with the parents' committee and the school management, we built two classrooms in the beginning of 2019. The problemThe Ayayi elementary school in Adétikopé lacked school desks and classrooms. Some classes had up to 150 children in one small room. In some cases, five children shared one school desk. The approachThe...

New school desks for the elementary school in Adetikopé

Previous Next Many schools in Togo lack school desks - together with our partner initiative in Adetikopé, we are working to build new desks so that there is enough space in the classroom.The problemThe Ayayi elementary school is located in Adétikopé, a fast-growing outskirts of the capital Lomé. Every year, many new children come to the school. In 2019, new school desks were carpentered with...

Expansion of school libraries

Together with our partner initiatives, we are building school libraries. To this end, we regularly buy novels in Togo, primarily by African authors, which the children can borrow for reading in the school library. Many children's thirst for reading has grown over time, and all newly purchased novels are quickly lent out as soon as they arrive in the library.In order to give more children access...

Promoting girls’ sports

Previous Next Soccer inspires all over the world! The girls in Tsévié, in the south of Togo, also wanted to found a team, but girls' soccer is not welcomed by conservative parents there. With a little support a team could be founded and Solidarität konkret e.V. helps to keep the ball rolling. The problemSoccer is an extremely popular sport in Tsévié. But it is a "boys' domain" and girls who...

Digitalization of professional literature for teachers

Previous Next Current technical literature is often difficult to access for teachers in Togo. Solidarität konkret e.V. specifically promotes the digitalization of current professional literature suitable for Togo, so that more teachers can use it. This also creates valuable pedagogical exchange between teachers. The problemTeachers in Togo often have difficulties in obtaining textbooks or...

Microcredits for school books

Previous Next Schoolbooks are important, but far too often families cannot afford to buy them for their children. We make it possible to provide microloans for textbooks to schools in Togo.The problemIt's a classic problem: the school year is well underway, but the majority of children still don't have textbooks - families lacked the money to buy the books. At school, children without textbooks...

Corona emergency support

Together with our local partner Afrotopia and the Initiative EPP Ayayi, we strive to do our part in helping to reduce the negative impact of the Covid19 crisis for people in need. The probelmThe Covid19 pandemic is also affecting Togo. The national health system is simple not prepared for a pandemic: On average, there are 7 hospital beds per 10.000 residents available in Togo (it's 80 in...