Seed Project

Previous Next Resistant, high quality seeds are indispensable for sustainable smallholder agriculture. For years, the GAVISA farm has been breeding and preserving old and newer seed varieties that are best adapted to local conditions. The aim of the seed project is to improve the access of smallholders to seeds and to further develop and regionally disseminate cultural techniques of seed...

Construction of a guest room on the farm Gavisa

Previous Next The problemThe farm GAVISA Togo was founded in 2012 by Komla Zivi and other colleagues with the aim to promote organic and sustainable agriculture in Togo. The location of the farm is beautiful - on a high plateau near Kpalimé, close to a mountain river.Unfortunately, the farm lacked accommodation for visitors and guests. According to the GAVISA Togo team, this was particularly...

Preventing school dropouts by growing vegetables

Previous Next Many young people in Yéviépé in western Togo have to drop out of school due to lack of money. In cooperation with the farm GAVISA, Solidarität konkret e.V. helps them to help themselves. By selling home-grown vegetables, the students can earn the missing school fees and learn useful things on the side. The problem In the village of Yéviépé, the school career of many students...